Role Overview

What you have to know before your Interview.
Before The Interview
Find out everything you can about the company from annual reports/brochures/web pages etc.
Be really familiar with your CV and confident talking about “you”. You wrote it, so you need to know it. Consider the sorts of questions you’ll be asked. The first question in an interview is usually “tell me about yourself?” This is your moment – don’t recite a chronology, tell us your story. It’s useful to use a friend or family member to practice on.
Review your CV and think through specific questions you may be asked about it.
Make sure your “right to work” documents are up-to-date and you have a notebook and pen for the interview.
Practice answers to common interview questions (listed below).
Prepare your own questions about the company and job.
Double-check that you have the correct day and time.
Consider making a “dummy run” to the company so that you know how much time to allow.
On the day:
Take the company name, address and contact details with you, together with a location map. You will need these and may have to call the company if you are delayed.
Take a copy of your CV with you.
Dress smartly, arrive early and be polite to everyone you meet at the company.
Have a notebook, pen (It shows you’re paying attention and you’re conscientious. Besides you’ll be amazed how quickly an interview goes – you’ll want to remember the detail.)
Questions to hand (When it’s your turn to ask a question, prepare some ahead of time – ideally, ask questions that also reveal something more about you.).
Greet your interviewer by name and make eye contact. Above all else – smile!
Prepare for the “what’s your weakness?” question. It’s not about admitting your weaknesses... it’s about explaining how you overcome them.
On arrival:
From the moment you come into view of the interview venue look organized and composed.
Stand up while waiting
When you are greeted:
Carry luggage in your left hand, greet the Interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake.
When you sit down for the interview, sit at a slight angle to the interviewer, not head on. This is less confrontational.
Remind yourself that you are there to:
Convince the interviewer that you can do the job.
Show that you are motivated to do the job well.
Show that you will fit in with the company and your team.
In the first 5 minutes:
Make a good first impression. The first few minutes of an interview can count for a lot.
Throughout the interview, obey the golden rules:
Always answer any question in a positive way.
Avoid criticizing your previous job, employer or manager.
Avoid awkward motivations such as a desire for more money or shorter working hours.
More key points:
Look attentive by leaning forward
Do not slouch
Listen keenly, nod and orally acknowledge what you are told
Don’t waffle
Be prepared to support your answers with evidence, facts and figures
Maintain some eye contact with everyone present
Don’t smoke
Don’t hide your personality. Talk about yourself but don’t dominate the interview
At the end of the interview:
The interviewer should ask if you have any further questions. Check your list of questions. If any are outstanding ask them now.
As you leave:
Tell the Interviewer that you are interested in the job and leave the interview with firm handshakes to everyone present. If they give you a business card – follow up with an email to thank them for their time.
Common interview questions to prepare for:
Before the interview think about your responses to the following questions.
Go through your responses before every interview as each application is unique. Practice until you feel confident with any of these questions.
The typical questions that are asked fall into the following categories.
About you:
Why do you want the job?
What skills do you think you need to do the job?
What can you offer?
Are you prepared to relocate?
Are you willing to travel?
Why should we employ you?
How long will it be before you are making a real contribution to the company?
How ambitious are you?
Why did you choose a career in your industry?
How long have you been looking for a new job?
Do you prefer to work in a small, medium or large company?
How would you describe yourself?
How could you improve yourself?
What are you looking for in a new job?
What would your ideal job be?
Are you considering any other positions at the moment?
Did you feel you progressed satisfactorily in your last job?
Are you a leader?
How do you handle criticism?
What sort of manager are you?
Do you work well with others? Or are you a loner?
Are you self-motivated?
Are you accepted into a team quickly?
Can you act on your own initiative?
What motivates you?
Do you know how to motivate other people?
What do you dislike doing?
What problems did you encounter in your last job?
Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities?
Can you work under pressure?
How many hours are you prepared to work?
What are your career goals?
Have you been responsible for implementing quality standards?
What interests do you have outside work?
How long will you stay in the new job?
Why do you want to work for this company?
What do you know about this company?
What interests you about particular products or services?
What can the company offer that your previous company cannot?
Your current/previous job?
What did you think of your manager/supervisor co-workers and subordinates?
How did you get on with them?
What did you do on a day to day basis?
What was your greatest success? How did you achieve it?
What has been your biggest failure?
How often were you off sick?
What did you earn in your last job?
What level of salary are you looking for now?
Your current/previous employer:
What do you think of your last employer?
Why did you join your previous employer?
Why are you leaving?
Explain the structure of your last company and where you fitted in.
Questions you may want to ask in return :
What will be my responsibilities?
Where will I fit into the overall company structure?
Whom will I report to?
Where do they fit in the structure?
Who will report to me?
What do you expect me to do in the first 6 months?
What level of performance do you expect from me?
Who are your customers?
Where is the company going? Upwards? Expansion plans?
What are the chances of advancement/promotion in this position?
Will travelling be required in this position?
Will relocation be required now or in the future?
What training do you provide?
When will you decide on the appointment?
What is the next step?
Factors that can cost you the job:
Being unprepared for the interview
Being late
Poor manners
Complaining about previous employers
Failing to communicate
Being aggressive or superior
Making excuses
Looking scruffy
Lacking enthusiasm
Being evasive or vague
Appearing greedy for money or promotion