Role Overview

Nikol Georgieva

Personal Statement
I've spent three amazing summer seasons diving into the hospitality sector. It's been a whirlwind of responsibilities, but I've loved every minute of it. I've always been pretty ambitious, so I've taken on a lot and really pushed myself to excel. Oh, and did I mention? I'm a bit of a perfectionist in everything I do. I'm also a bit of an artist. Photography is my thing—I love capturing moments and telling stories through my lens. And when I'm not behind the camera, you can usually find me with a sketchbook in hand, doodling away. Drawing has always been my way of unwinding and expressing myself creatively. That's me in a nutshell—hospitality enthusiast by day, artist by night. Always striving to bring a little bit of magic into everything I do!
Nationality: Bulgarian
Excellent communication skills
Excellent organisational skills – managing a team of people, organising them and giving them tasks
Good command of quality control processes
Team player
Meeting deadlines
Perfectionism in every detail of a project
Social media skills in content creating
Education & Training:
Still studying Bachelor’s degree in Marketing at University of Economics Varna
Graduated Vocational High School of Economics ‘’Dr. Ivan Bogorov’’
Languages: Bulgarian, English, German basic
Social work, activities, interests and others.
Cars enthusiast – operating several clubs for car enthusiasts in my region